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Basketball Shoes Which Can not Be Worn in the NBA

Ballers, do you still remember the first time Reebok Pumps that he can make the leap we are so much higher? One former NBA player, Dee Brown, never wore these shoes during the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 1991. And before his last dunk, he was seen pumping his shoes so impressed that so you can jump higher. But in fact, Those shoes do not really make you jump higher. Dee Brown himself does indeed have basically jump really high, so with or without the shoes, he can still dunk champion as well really.

Well, this time there is new again  ballers. There are shoes that he could add as much height we jump 10 cm. WOW!! Is not that amazing? If it is possible today ballers can only hold-hold ring , then by wearing these shoes, you can certainly can du super dunk right? Hmm, interesting ..
Well, the name of this magical shoes created and produced by the Athletic Propulsion Labs. And now they have created two types / brands of shoes, the Athletic Propulsion Labs 'Concept 1 and Athletic Propulsion Labs' Concept 2. These shoes were created by two people twin brothers, Adam and Ryan Goldston, a former basketball player at the university in California. Because they love to exercise, they feel challenged and inspired to improve their jump height. Because it would in any case, the high jump is a very important value in any sport, especially basketball. These shoes have they created a new technology called Load 'N Launch ". Usefulness of technology Load 'N Launch is to increase the effect of jump while playing basketball, and the location of this technology is at the bottom front of the shoe. This is very useful because if we want to make the leap, we always start with up position of our feet. Thus, the effects of technological Load 'N Launch this will work when we up and ready to jump. Amazing, huh?
However, all the greatness of these shoes does not seem to get a positive response from the world's top basketball league, the NBA. Somehow, the NBA banned the shoes, and prohibited all their players to wear these shoes on the ground. Not crazy anyway?
Well, through the website, NBA Stated this: "League rules regulate the footwear That players may wear during an NBA game. Under league rules, players may not wear any shoe during a game 'that creates an Undue competitive advantage (eg, to increase of a player's vertical leap).' In light of that rule ... players will not be permitted to wear the APL shoes during NBA games "And not only that, through this video show, the ballers can see immediately the excitement that made these shoes since banned by the NBA:

Price of these shoes are quite expensive for the size of a basketball shoe, which is worth USD 175, . But, if it's true these shoes can add to our high jump, why not not you? What do you think ballers? Are the shoes worth?

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